Aberdeen and Stonehaven Yacht Club (ASYC) is unusual in that it offers sailing opportunities at different venues during the year. From March to the end of May the club operates on the freshwater Loch of Skene, 10 miles west of Aberdeen. This loch is an ideal location for relative newcomers to dinghy sailing, as well as providing a great location for competitive racing. At the beginning of June the club''s activities move to the more challenging North Sea coastal waters at Stonehaven where sailing takes place until mid-November. ASYC does not formally specialise in any particular class of dinghy, though Fireball and Laser have been become distinct fleets, and it is hoped to develop RS200, Blaze and Musto Skiff as racing fleets.The club owns a number of boats including twelve Optimist dinghies, five Toppers, two Lasers, one 420, one Laser 2, and an RS Feva.
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